What is Jacari?
Jacari is a charity that works in Oxford and Bristol. We give free tutoring to children who have English as an additional language.
We match up each child with a tutor (most of whom are university students)
The Jacari tutor usually teaches the child at home for one hour a week; sometimes Jacari lessons will happen in school
COVID-19: From September 2021, you can choose whether the Jacari tutor meets your child face to face or online.
If you need a laptop to access Jacari tutoring online, we can loan one to you.
The Jacari tutor is a volunteer (not paid)
How can I get a Jacari teacher for my child?
Talk to your child's teacher at school—they will tell you whether your child is eligible for Jacari
If you are eligible for Jacari, your child's school teacher will give you a form to complete, sign, and give back to the teacher
Your child will be put on a Jacari waiting list
When a Jacari tutor is available, they will call or text you to organise a first lesson
My child has been referred: What is a Jacari lesson like?
A Jacari lesson could include language games, writing practice, reading practice, or help with homework. Jacari lessons should help your child get better at English and feel more confident in school.
Jacari lessons will be scheduled on a day and at a time that is good for you, your child, and the Jacari tutor.
If you have any questions, please talk to your child’s school teacher or contact the Jacari Coordinator.
Please click the yellow button for information on how to keep safe during an in-person lesson during COVID-19.
Where can I go for support learning English?
While Jacari does not offer lessons for adult learners, click on the buttons below for lists of resources in Oxford and Bristol to help you learn English and more!